We'd Rather Be Reading
We'd Rather Be Reading
Chapter 78 - ARC battle
In this weeks episode Lia and Jerrica announce they are now ARC readers! It’s really about time considering this podcast and the amount they read. Each took different strategies to choose their books. Jerrica going off of title and cover - not superficial at all. Lia chose based on description and reviews - a bit more professional approach. This spurs a conversation of “is the book ever the cover?” and which books were best? Hint: Jerrica wins. Second hint: Jerrica’s review actually makes Lia want to read said book. Double win.
Twitter @wedratherread and Instagram.
Theme Music: "For The Penguins"
Written and performed by David Allred
From the album The Transition
Courtesy of Erased Tapes
Listen on Spotify
Buy the album